Monday, November 9, 2009

Twelve Years Ago Today

Day 78

Boston Qualifying Training. Twelve years ago today I was lying in bed when I awoke with this presence hovering above me. Slowly opening my eyes I see Kim leaning over me, kneeling on the bed, she is in the ninth month of pregnancy. She says, “Oh, you are awake.” I briefly wonder how long she has been waiting for me to wake up, but my though process is interrupted by the next three words, “I feel funny”. Two weeks earlier the doc told us that we would know when it was time, that she would feel different, she might feel "funny". The word were like a shot of adrenaline. All the months of waiting were over, it was time. I hop out of bed and suggest that she take a shower. She ask’s me to not call the doctor, but I do. He say’s take some time.

I make Kim breakfast, chocolate chip muffins, juice and milk. The contractions are happening, and today will be the day. We sit and watch Mr Hollands Opus, to pass the time. A good movie. The contractions shorten and it is time. We drive down an empty 400 on a Sunday morning. Thankfully it was not Monday rush hour. I recall that as we exited 400 she had her first strong contraction, she groaned and I stepped harder on the gas pedal, laughable now. The story ends with a Jack being born later that day… the twelve years since have flown by. He is becoming a young man and I could not be prouder. Cherish every day, time is fleeting and soon he’ll be learning to drive and next off to college. Today, he’s still my boy and I’ll hug him a little longer while I still can.

My run this morning was strong. Jay and I met early, 4:15, which meant an early wake up, 3:45 AM. Early, but worth it. Jay and I have started this training program together and I expect to cross the finish line together as well. We are good support for one another.

Meeting at LTF, Jay reminds me that there is a mile warm up… rats! I forgot the warm up when I mapped the course last night. No worries, I quickly recalculate a new route in my head and we are off. The first mile is difficult, it is early and our bodies have not yet warmed up. The weather however is perfect, not close to perfect, but absolutely perfect. It is 52 degrees no wind, and clear skies.

After the warm up we set our watches, reset the Garmin and we are off. The first mile is a 7:45, not unexpected, though a little tough, we are still warming up. The next mile is better, 7:50… closing in on the target. By the third mile we are hitting 7:55 – 8:00 minutes per mile. Good deal. We lock in the pace and keep on running. Soon enough we are at our first water stop, about 20 seconds walking/drinking and off we go. We are right on pace for a cumulative time, at one point, 1 second over pace. We hit our next water stop, drink/walk and “relief”, 30 seconds, and we start rolling again. The climb up mount Westside Parkway is a controlled pace. The left on Old Milton Parkway is a good easy pace. The run is almost too easy. A couple more right hand turns and we are heading down Academy. We are ahead of pace, but it is a simple 7:57. Not a 7:30, so good. I feel good. I feel good and this is after a 20 mile run just three days prior. My left leg does act up a little but I refuse to give it any consideration other than a reminder to watch my stride.

The run is completed in 1:19:29, thirty seconds fast, again 3 seconds per mile. A good job. These past few weeks have continued to build my confidence as the marathon date nears. My last 10 mile run was on pace, but it seemed like I struggled and doing more would have taken work. Today the motor was running and I was in a groove, there was more in the tank. Now was I ready for another 16.2 miles, I don’t know, but I do know that each week is getting better.

A full day of work today, followed by birthday festivities in the evening with Jack. Sounds like a good day.

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