Day 103
Boston Qualifying Training. The last long run. I woke up several times during the night, once again anticipating the long run. Unlike the last few runs I was not concerned about my ability to hold pace. I knew that I could and it would feel good. When the alarm finally went off I was ready to go. I made the usual bottle drops and met Jay at LTF.
The run started with a nice comfortable pace, though a little fast, 7:50’s not too bad. Jay said, not to worry, he had us dialed in for a good consistent 7:59 pace. In his word’s “trust me Bob”. We plotted along the next several miles… I would occasionally ask Jay, how are doing. The same words “trust me”, okay. The pace never seemed too fast and at time may have felt a little slow but Jay would always give me that reassuring nod and say, “trust me”, and I would and keep on running.
Climbing the top of “Mount Westside Parkway”, I looked at Jay once again, “Bob… trust me”. Okay. The run took us to the intersection of Haynes Bridge and Academy, we were now 2 miles from the completion of our last long run. An easy 10 miles with 8 miles behind us. I took a moment to consider how effortless this run has been. I also thought about the five 20 miles runs, the two 18 miles runs, the 17 mile run and the three 15 mile runs that we have completed to arrive at this point. So far we have run 428 miles of training runs.
I look back to Jay knowing and expecting him to once again say… “trust me Bob…” and know we are right on pace. Glancing over I see Jay, he says nothing. I look again… nothing. I ask, “how we doing?” Uh.., um… we're behind. We need to pick it up. What!?!?
The reality is we were not really behind. Our pace goal was 7:59, we were at 8:02 which is qualifying pace. I give him a quick jab with “trust me Bob” "oh ah 8:02".
We decide to pick up the pace though we do not really need to. It is down hill so it was easy enough to just lengthen our stride and roll down the hill. We end with a 7:58 pace. Jay turns to me, "see trust me".
Back at the gym, we hook up with Corey, Ann Marie and Susan. We stretch and chat about the upcoming race, hotel stays, driving route and the normal things one would discuss before a race.
Unlike my last marathon, I feel a great deal of confidence. It will not be easy, it is not a slam dunk, but the confidence from knowing I have done the work and stayed healthy through the process is comforting.
Unlike my last marathon, I feel a great deal of confidence. It will not be easy, it is not a slam dunk, but the confidence from knowing I have done the work and stayed healthy through the process is comforting.
There are two more runs until we are finished, but they are throw away runs, 6 x 400 at the track Monday and a 3 mile marathon pace run on Wednesday. I will not gain or lose conditioning from these runs, they are only to keep me mentally focused and sharp.
The next week will both drag by and fly by as my anticipation for the start of the race on Saturday grows. If I could I would run the race tomorrow.
My weight was 178 today, disappointing, but I decided I need not worry about that right now and it is likely I will not step on a scale again until after the race. Rather I will eat smart and not over eat.
Today will be busy at work with calls and emails. I have my standing lunch date with my wife at noon and football practice with Jack and the boys in the evening.
Tonight we’ll settle around the TV tonight watching a Christmas movie and finish putting up the holiday decorations. A pretty good deal.
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