Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 29, 2009


I am a man on a mission. The days are quickly running away and my vacation time is nearing an end, unfortunately my “to-do” list has not reached the end. I head to Home Depot and pick up the supplies necessary to run 240 volt line for the compressor. At home I dig in. Surveying the layout I head down stairs to the basement. Looking around I see a spot about 8 inches high where I can put the receptacle boxes. It works out great. The day is spent running wires and wiring the boxes.

In the morning I will drop in the new circuit breakers. This day goes by way too fast. Jack heads to the movies with his buds. Wil has a sleep over with his bud.

Though I wanted to go to bed early, it is nearly mid-night when I finally go to bed.

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