Day 102
Boston Qualifying Training. This sleeping in thing is different. I did not get to bed as early as the previous evening, however I did sleep until just after 6:00 AM. I felt good as I stretched and got ready for the day. I knew the many of my friends were like halfway through their main set in the Masters swim workout. Jay and I are opting out of the morning swims.
Today we will hit about 2,100 meters, 300 warm up, 100 other, 100 drill, 5 x 200 on 4:00 and 1 x 500 250 paddles/250 free and a 100 cool down. We keep the workout intense, but reduce the distance as we draw closer to race day. Next week I will drop the swim completely and substitute it with 20 minutes of easy spinning on the bike and stretching.
Downstairs Wil is slightly disappointed. The Elves that are typically tearing up our house and making a mess have been productive during the night a strung all the lights on the Christmas tree. It looks great. Wil said he prefers when they make me angry. Wil has too much character and that is a good thing.
Boston Qualifying Training. This sleeping in thing is different. I did not get to bed as early as the previous evening, however I did sleep until just after 6:00 AM. I felt good as I stretched and got ready for the day. I knew the many of my friends were like halfway through their main set in the Masters swim workout. Jay and I are opting out of the morning swims.
Today we will hit about 2,100 meters, 300 warm up, 100 other, 100 drill, 5 x 200 on 4:00 and 1 x 500 250 paddles/250 free and a 100 cool down. We keep the workout intense, but reduce the distance as we draw closer to race day. Next week I will drop the swim completely and substitute it with 20 minutes of easy spinning on the bike and stretching.
Downstairs Wil is slightly disappointed. The Elves that are typically tearing up our house and making a mess have been productive during the night a strung all the lights on the Christmas tree. It looks great. Wil said he prefers when they make me angry. Wil has too much character and that is a good thing.
Meeting Jay at lunch, we dive into our workout, pun not intended. I have been swimming for a while now and for a brief period of time felt that I was gaining speed. However today I am almost right where I started. Jay however has really dropped his times. A few more tweaks to his stroke and swimming form and he’ll be graduating to the next lane. We do not spend any time on the wall and each set is promptly followed by the next. Our main set is done with no cheating on the time and soon enough we are completely done, 2000 meters in 30 minutes.
Hard to believe. I ask Jay is that a mile, he has no idea, but neither do I… Looking it up on the net, 2000 meters = 1.24 miles. Not bad, we hammered out 2000 meters, or 1.24 miles the equivalent of a half-ironman distance swim in 30 minutes. Again, not bad.
A quick cool down, shower and I step on the scale. The scale shows that I am back to 177. I really thought my weight would be more like 174, oh well. How I gained 2 pounds from yesterday I have no idea, but I tell myself this is not the time to worry about the pounds. I will gain weight during this taper time. I just need to eat well and not over do it on the calories.
For lunch I decide a salad and slice of pizza would be good. Stopping at our new pizza place, Vintage Pizza, I catch up on emails and phone calls and make it a productive meal. When it comes time to pay, the owner picked up my tab. Nice… I drop a generous tip and head home.
More work ends the day and takes me up to dinner time. Tonight, pasta, the same as it has been every Thursday for weeks now, nothing fancy plain pasta with butter and a little salt.
Tomorrow I have my last long run before the marathon. Only 10 miles. It will seem short compared to our 20 mile runs. I’ll be in bed early tonight we start running at 5:15, which means a 4:40 AM wake up.
The day will end with the family hanging our Christmas decorations on the tree. Each of them a snap shot in time, a memory from Christmas past, childhood, dating, marriage, some good times and some with have sad memories. Over all it will be grounding and help me remember what is so important not just at Christmas but year round, family.
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