day 4
I had too much to drink the night before, not like I was hammering on the booze, but I had 4 drinks, when 1-2 would have been enough. It is hard to tell the body, hey were going to be healthy and than throw poison down your neck. I did have fun though with my wife and our friends.
Back to the training. I woke up Saturday at 5:00 AM, difficult to do when you go to bed at 12:15. That said, I pulled myself out of bed and forced myself to go. It would have been really easy to roll-over. Sometimes you have to do just that, force yourself, besides it was my penitence for the sin’s of the earlier evening.
I met the guys at the pool at 6:00 AM. The water was brisk, and likely shocked the remaining lethargy from my system. I swam about 750 meters, we did a quick change and we were on our bikes by 6:20. The bike ride was humbling at best, I had nothing, the legs seemed dead, was it the night before, or just a hard week of training. Anyway, I was dropped on more than one occasion, something I am not used to having happen. I struggled on the entire ride, but I made I it back to the gym.
We laced up the running shoes and hit a 3.5 mile run, surprisingly at that point I felt pretty good and thought, I could actually run harder, but this was a cool down run and not meant to be run fast.
Later on Saturday, we packed up our things and drove down to Augusta to visit Kim’s family. The ride is only 2.5 -3 hours, but it felt much longer. That night I slept on an inflatable air mattress, that was not fully inflated. Good thing I was tired, not sure if I slept or just passed out!
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